
Aries Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Aries Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Fire, Quality: Cardinal, Ruler: Mars.

Aries gets things started and then pursues them with gusto (but maybe not much practical common sense). Life is like a battle to be entered into and won. Your will must prevail. All is possible. If impossible it just takes a little longer (or so you believe).

If not the team leader will battle with whoever is. Acts first, thinks afterwards when it may be too late. Reckless and short-sighted.

A word of advice
When you get bored with a project, hand it over to someone else skilled in the practical application of your inspired idea, not forgetting (this is the difficult bit) to mention all those vital details without which the project will fail. Then you are free to start something else.

Your ideal mate is someone who lets you win a hard-fought battle, or who is content when you do (at which time you may have to pick a fight over something else). In practice, someone more down to earth might help sustain the relationship provided, of course, that you can get away with the idea that you’re in charge. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

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Pisces Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Pisces Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Water, Quality: Mutable, Rulers: Jupiter Neptune.

Pisces has an instinctive connection with life beyond space and time such that ordinary daily life can seem a burden. As an actor on the stage can lift an audience out of itself so can Pisces give life by infusing this world with intimations of another.

Dreams of life without limitations takes one away from dealing with issues of life on earth. Sickness is another form of escape allowing demands on the attention of others, or it may be the other way round - you give in easily to the demands of others who would be better standing up for themselves.

A word of advice
Check what your sacrificial service to others is doing to you. If it's destroying you then you have nothing to give. If your reward is more joy in life all well and good.

Your ideal mate warms to your sensitivity and devotion, welcoming your empathetic attention when needing it. You may attract partners who need so much attention they suck you dry before you know what's happened - see pitfalls above. Others may be cool and thoughtful, needing to keep their distance from excessive concern - a need you'd be wise to respect. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

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Aquarius Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Aquarius Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Air, Quality: Fixed, Rulers: Saturn Uranus.

Aquarius has ideas to take humanity out of its restriction to the social order into a wider sense of community. Values freedom and equality, encouraging others to claim what it considers is their due.

Attracted to 'isms' - ideological systems of thought that can end up in leaving people just as trapped as before. Ideals become wishful thoughts to which one can escape - 'at least I know what the world ought to be like even if I can't make it that way' (especially if Moon in Aquarius.

A word of advice
Check this out: does your concern for the 'brotherhood of man' arise, at least in part, from a lack of a strong sense of your own individual worth? Watch this especially if you think you are entitled to prior consideration on account of your advanced ideas.

Your ideal mate listens admiringly while you expound your thoughts and won't embarrass you with tears when you keep an ice-cool distance. You may attract a partner who will feel more strongly than you do, and allowing yourself to open up and finding yourself loved for it will do wonders for your self-esteem. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

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Capricorn Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Capricorn Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Element: Earth, Quality: Cardinal, Ruler: Saturn.

Capricorn is content to work within the social order in which it finds itself and seeks success therein. A great sense of responsibility and a determination to complete any project once started. Seeks tangible results.

Reluctant to take time out for the simple pleasures of life. Must complete the task in hand within a set framework - fearful of innovation. The child who becomes an adult too early. Keeps feelings separate from the task in hand when engaging them would make it more wholesome.

A word of advice
Your strong sense of duty is a great gift, but if you allow it to take you over and stop you having fun you will antagonise those you love and you will have less to give. Don't take on more responsibilities than you can handle.

Your ideal mate gives you time to open up to your feelings and welcomes your dependability. You may attract fiery exuberant partners who challenge your reticence, which can be very exciting as well as scary. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Fire, Quality: Mutable, Ruler: Jupiter.

Sagittarius strives for what is beyond day to day human experience, whether it travel to distant lands, broadening knowledge by education or by exploring the spiritual dimension of life.

May look with disdain on those at home with earthy daily existence. If they consider themselves 'evolved' (ask them what that word means) may despise those who are not, or will attempt to educate them in spiritual matters and turn them into second-hand Sagittarians (advice to victims: stay true to yourselves).

A word of advice
If lost in the clouds come back to earth for a while, bringing any worthwhile experience with you to give meaning to everyday life. Don't use your spiritual aptitude as an excuse to avoid self-knowledge - you may be a danger to ordinary mortals attracted by your charisma.

Your ideal mate won't mind at all if you say 'goodbye darling, I'm off exploring the Himalayas for a year, stay at home and look after the family'. In reality you might have to be a more subtle than that! Being true to yourself includes care for someone you truly love. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Scorpio Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Scorpio Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Water, Quality: Fixed, Rulers: Mars Pluto

Scorpio needs to delve beneath appearances to reality. Nothing superficial will do. Try small-talk and Scorpio will move away to look for more fertile pastures where its emotional intensity can be engaged.

Scorpio's insight can give it great power and there can be a temptation to use this to control and possess others so that they become dependant. Prone to intense jealousy if they then manage to escape and show attachment elsewhere.

A word of advice
Your can penetrate to the faults and sore spots of others. Use this power to heal, not criticise. If you do not forgive and accept others as they are then yours is the greater fault, and you could find yourself isolated and feeling lonely.

Your ideal mate feels as intensely as you do while allowing you to feel in charge. Hopefully you will attract someone who can observe emotional quagmires from a distance and use mental powers to help resolve them. When you are deeply engaged in a project and you hear 'dinner's ready' from your more easily contented partner, ease up and enjoy! See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Libra Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Libra Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Air, Quality: Cardinal, Ruler: Venus.

Libra, symbolised by a pair of scales, has an ideal of peace, balance and harmony in all life. A pity reality rarely matches this ideal for long. The desire for relationship is strong, but like all air signs Libra has a problem with the emotional complexities therein.

Libra is a cardinal sign so wants to take the initiative. The problem is it doesn't know what to do, or fears to act lest the delicate balance in any matter be disturbed. Contrast Aries, the opposite sign, which has no problem at all here.

A word of advice
Consider a matter carefully before deciding, certainly, but then act boldly and risk getting it wrong. Perhaps more than any other sign Libra learns through its mistakes. And who knows, maybe your mistake is someone else's opportunity. The deeper level of the soul may have a different idea of what constitutes a mistake than the mind does.

Your ideal mate is attractive and full of ideas, and wants to be close to you without clinging. You may attract partners more assertive than you are, which may please you (it saves you having to make up your own mind about something) provided you can see it as balancing your own more diplomatic nature. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Virgo Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Virgo Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Earth, Quality: Mutable, Ruler: Mercury.

Virgo's great gift is the ability to discriminate between what is useful and what isn't. It is at home with the details that others find boring. When Virgo relates to you an important occasion you may boil with frustration waiting for the relevant conclusions to emerge from the carefully ordered account of events leading to them - Virgo knows what is useful but bores you with the details anyway.

Can't see the wood for the trees. No overall perspective on life. Frightened of chaos so tries to control it or denies its existence until proved by scientists (that is, scientists who don't believe in chaos).

A word of advice
Compassionately observe yourself criticising what you see as the deviant behaviour of others. Consider what the world would be like without it … !

Your ideal mate gives you material of any kind and is content while you organise it, file and collate it, and discard what cannot be used. Some of the material (a planned expedition to the South Pole for instance) may be too big to swallow without cutting it up first hoping to find at least a hint of anything useful in the plan. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Leo Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Leo Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Fire, Quality: Fixed, Ruler: the Sun.


Leo radiates warmth, light and goodwill like the Sun which rules it - and likes it if you notice it doing so! Leo at its best is confident and decisive, has an overall perspective on life and can bring out the best in others.

Lack of obvious appreciation by others can lead to vanity and egotistical behaviour. A poor self-image is then covered up with a veneer of confident self-reliance, both of which serve to make empathy with others impossible.

A word of advice
Love yourself with all your faults (yes, you do have some!), observe yourself with compassion, then you won't depends on what others feel about you and will have more to give. Then you will get the appreciation you long for.

Your ideal mate bends the knee before your majesty and won't probe too deeply beneath those purple robes. What actually happens is that if you over-inflate a pin is applied, which is a mercy but may feel devastating. You may attract partners with flair for the details of practical living, which is just as well if frustrating. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Cancer Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Cancer Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Element: Water, Quality: Cardinal, Ruler: the Moon.

Cancer is the home and family lover of the zodiac. The break-up of families and the use of houses as just somewhere to live rather than places to create real homes is painful, and leads to the forging of alternative families in other settings so that the feeling of being at home can be enjoyed.

The sense of security that home and family (of whatever kinds) can give may lead to a clinging on to them when they no longer serve for further progress in life. Thus Cancer can live in the past rather than creatively in the present.

A word of advice
Ideas that feel good may not be the best ones to follow. Feel how tenaciously you cling to them when someone challenges them and see if you can watch them more objectively.

Your ideal mate will be there for you when you come home, or will enjoy the protective shield you provide. Water naturally flows and needs to be contained if it is to be channelled constructively. You may attract partners who provide such containers and it may feel constricting. If you attract someone with amazing powers of rational and logical thought that will fascinate and frustrate you! See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk


Zodiac Signs and their Meaning,

Zodiac Signs and their Meaning,

The Sun Sign in your Horoscope may not be your most important astrological characteristic!

Zodiac Signs! - Horoscope columns in popular newspapers and magazines might lead you to suspect that the zodiac signs in which the Sun appears in horoscopes is of such over-riding importance that little else matters. The truth is that the zodiac signs in which the Sun appears is assigned much more importance in modern astrology than was the case in ancient times. Then, each planet (the Sun and the Moon being counted amongst the planets) signified a particular area of life as indicated in the individual birth chart. In particular, the planet that rules the ascendant (the zodiac sign rising at birth), and its sign and house position, was seen as having special significance for the individual. I believe this ancient tradition still holds true. Nevertheless there is no doubt that sun signs in horoscopes do have importance (the ancients acknowledged this too), and I offer these thumbnail sketches of the meaning of each. The twelve zodiac signs are divided into four elements: Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; Water - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Tag : zodiac-signs.co.uk


The kind found in the horoscopes

The most popular form of traditional Western astrology is sun sign astrology, the kind found in the horoscopes of many daily newspapers. A horoscope is an astrological forecast. The term is also used to describe a map of the zodiac at the time of one’s birth. The zodiac is divided into twelve zones of the sky, each named after the constellation that originally fell within its zone (Taurus, Leo, etc.).

The apparent paths of the sun, the moon, and the major planets all fall within the zodiac. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the equinox and solstice points have each moved westward about 30 degrees in the last 2,000 years. Thus, the zodiacal constellations named in ancient times no longer correspond to the segments of the zodiac represented by their signs. In short, had you been born at the same time on the same day of the year 2,000 years ago, you would have been born under a different sign.

In fact, there should be 13 signs, not 12.

Precession of the equinox is caused by the fact that the axis of the earth's rotation (which causes day and night) and the axis of the earth's revolution around the sun (which marks the passage of each year) are not parallel. They are 23 l/2 degrees away from lining up; that is, the earth's axis of rotation is tilted. This tilt also causes our seasons, a fact that Ptolemy did understand but that many people do not understand even today.

Ptolemy understood that the rotation axis of the earth was slowly precessing, or moving in a circle, with an angular radius of 23 1/2 degrees with a period of around 26,000 years. He deduced this from comparisons of data taken by the ancient Sumerians 2,000 years before his time. He did not understand what was pushing the precession, but he did understand the motion.

We now realize that the sun is rotating with a period of around 30 days and that this causes the sun to bulge at the equator, which causes a torque to be exerted on the top like motion of the earth's day and night cycle. There is also a small 18.6-year variation caused by the moon's orbit around the earth, and the moon also has a small effect on precession; however, the sun's equatorial bulge is the main cause of the precession of the equinox, which is why your sign listed in the newspaper, by Sidney Omar for instance, in most cases is removed by one sign from the modern, actual position of the sun at your birth.

The modern signs as listed here are further complicated when their boundaries are those of the current constellations. A neater way of dividing the signs would be to divide the ecliptic into 30-degree slices, as Ptolemy did, but to keep the slices centered on the star patterns. This would make the time interval for the signs more nearly 30 days each and eliminate the [13th] sign of Ophiuchus [off ee oo' kus], but your modern sign would still differ by one sign from the tradition designations.

Tag : skepdic.com/astrolgy.html


Signs of the Zodiac Gemini

Signs of the Zodiac By Athena Starwoman
Your element: Air
Your ruling planets: Mercury
Symbol: The Twins
Your stone: Aquamarine
Life Pursuit: To explore a little bit of everything.Vibration: Intense mental energyGemini's Secret Desire: To be ahead of the crowd
Description:In ancient Greek mythology, Gemini's ruler - Mercury, was the light-footed messenger of the gods who darted back and forth across the heavens delivering news - which might explain why those born under the sign of the 'Twins' are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject.

It's just that variety is the spice of their lives! In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually "talking about them".

Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives.

The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large. Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented.

In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making it...and spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people. Gemini's can be very haphazard about their financial affairs too, with many of them ending up in divorce courts mainly because their partners have become tired of living on the edge of a financial precipice.
Star Sign Compatibility

How compatible is your star sign with another star sign?
your fully- detailed astrology report no ordinary horoscope can provide.
If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well
By Athena Starwoman
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personalised astrology report

Tag : psychicguild.com


Signs of the Zodiac Taurus

Signs of the Zodiac By Athena Starwoman
Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: The Bull
Your stone: Emerald
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial securityVibration: Determined energyTaurus Secret Desire: To have a secure, happy and wealthy life/marriage.
Description:Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socialisers.

They will let others get close, but only so close as they want them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a Taurean, should they not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees – they simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book Taurean. Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so the true Taurean spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities.

That's why Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky. The truth is, when Taureans manage to operate very adequately on their own form of automatic pilot, they can switch off from the world around them very efficiently. And when they do switch off, they are actually gathering in their inner reserves to deal with the outside pressures. This sign is also very closely connected to 'feeling good'.

Most Taureans like their creature comforts and hate change because it takes them out of their automatic pilot condition of separating themselves from the world around them. Because they hate to be put in jeopardy of any kind, this is the sign that strives to create tomorrow in advance, rather than leave it to fate. In love, Taureans are regarded as extremely sensual beings. An earth sign, they deal well with the personal, physical senses and consequently all the pleasures associated with what they can see, touch, smell and taste, add up to a special delight to them. Often nature and pet lovers, Taureans are closely associated with all things off the earth and nature.
Star Sign Compatibility

How compatible is your star sign with another star sign?
your fully- detailed astrology report no ordinary horoscope can provide.
If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well
By Athena Starwoman
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personalised astrology report

Tag : psychicguild.com


Signs of the Zodiac Aries

Signs of the ZodiacBy Athena Starwoman
Your element: Fire
Your ruling planets: Mars
Symbol: The Ram
Your stone: Ruby
Life Pursuit: The thrill of the momentVibration: EnthusiasticAries Secret Desire: To lead the way for others.

Description:Aries are fire signs and those born under this element are regarded in astrology as adventurous, active and outgoing. It won't matter where you go or how remote or unusual it is - from the Outback to the Antarctic - you can be sure that an Aries has been there before you (or at the very least you will meet one along the way!) Aries is a uniquely naive sign. Although they are independent, outgoing and assertive they are also surprisingly trusting, often innocently walking into the lion's den at times. No matter what upheaval, challenge or triumph they confront - an Aries has a wonderful ability to bounce back. Their faith in life and the future remains untouched by hardship.

Their gift is that they are always children at heart and the world is always a magical place for them. Many famous sports people are born under this sign. Aries is regarded as the most physical sign and because of its Mar's rulership; it is also one of the most highly charged masculine energy signs in astrology. No wonder women born under Aries are forceful, dynamic and aggressive, and as a result these Aries women frequently find themselves with dilemmas surrounding their romantic relationships.

For them, a man has to be a 'real man' to deal with an Aries woman, otherwise she intimidates him. And conversely for the Aries male, a woman has to be a real woman to deal with him, because he is looking for many balancing component traits (his true feminine side) in his partner. She has to run the gamut in his support system, from the Aries man's best friend, true companion, through to his muse, and yet she must never ever answer him back!

Therefore Aries can be a confusing sign because there is a complex combination of very strong masculine and feminine expressions all combined together. Because of the male energy surrounding it, when a woman is born under Aries, it creates some of the most interesting women in the world, women who are adventurous, independent and have competitive natures. It also tends to make them very forthright. But whether male or female, Aries people are 'doers' rather than 'talkers'. They are the impulsive, act first, ask questions or have doubts later, sign of the zodiac. That's why their lives are often filled with many dramas and sometimes even accidents!

Their ability to live life close to the edge provides them with a wealth of 'real experience' to call upon. When an Aries person talks about something or somewhere they've usually done it or been there, rather than simply read about it in a book. Being active people Aries can't adapt to any kind of restriction, particularly possessive relationships. They often travel to escape any feelings of being stuck or possessed. Aries people love challenges. In fact, if everything is running smoothly, they are quite capable of going out and doing something (sometimes quite foolish) to rock the boat. Aries love to race in where angels fear to tread.
Star Sign Compatibility

How compatible is your star sign with another star sign?
your fully- detailed astrology report no ordinary horoscope can provide.
If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well
By Athena Starwoman
You may also be interested in a
personalised astrology report

Tag : psychicguild.com


Signs of the Zodiac Cancer

Signs of the ZodiacBy Athena Starwoman
Your element: Water
Your ruling planets: The Moon
Symbol: The Crab
Your stone: Moonstone

Life Pursuit: Constant reassurance and intimacyVibration: MoodyCancer's Secret Desire: To feel safe (emotionally, spiritually, romantically and financially)
Description:Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol - the Crab - Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special...

Just as the Moon goes through many changes as it moves from its new to full phases, Cancers too go through many new and full phases of experience. Life doesn't stand still for this sign, even if they remain in one place, because they live so much in their internal oceans of emotions. Their link with the Moon often makes it impossible for them to operate on an even keel from day to day. Up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, most Cancerians feel one way one minute, then sometimes totally different the next. But this characteristic is part of their charm.

Love and romance matter more than anything else to this sign (but this occasionally shares first place with having lots of money in the bank). No other sign romances better, equally though, no sign takes it so badly when romance turns sour either. But with their changeable natures Cancerians are fascinating, mysterious, stimulating and extremely alluring. This sign is one of the most magic of all and once their magic has reached you, they are the most beguiling companions. After all, isn't the Moon the most talked about and romantic galactic identity?
Star Sign Compatibility

How compatible is your star sign with another star sign?
your fully- detailed astrology report no ordinary horoscope can provide.

If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well
By Athena Starwoman
You may also be interested in a
personalised astrology report

Tag : psychicguild.com