
Capricorn Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Capricorn Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Element: Earth, Quality: Cardinal, Ruler: Saturn.

Capricorn is content to work within the social order in which it finds itself and seeks success therein. A great sense of responsibility and a determination to complete any project once started. Seeks tangible results.

Reluctant to take time out for the simple pleasures of life. Must complete the task in hand within a set framework - fearful of innovation. The child who becomes an adult too early. Keeps feelings separate from the task in hand when engaging them would make it more wholesome.

A word of advice
Your strong sense of duty is a great gift, but if you allow it to take you over and stop you having fun you will antagonise those you love and you will have less to give. Don't take on more responsibilities than you can handle.

Your ideal mate gives you time to open up to your feelings and welcomes your dependability. You may attract fiery exuberant partners who challenge your reticence, which can be very exciting as well as scary. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

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