
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - Basics:

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - Basics:
Fire, Quality: Mutable, Ruler: Jupiter.

Sagittarius strives for what is beyond day to day human experience, whether it travel to distant lands, broadening knowledge by education or by exploring the spiritual dimension of life.

May look with disdain on those at home with earthy daily existence. If they consider themselves 'evolved' (ask them what that word means) may despise those who are not, or will attempt to educate them in spiritual matters and turn them into second-hand Sagittarians (advice to victims: stay true to yourselves).

A word of advice
If lost in the clouds come back to earth for a while, bringing any worthwhile experience with you to give meaning to everyday life. Don't use your spiritual aptitude as an excuse to avoid self-knowledge - you may be a danger to ordinary mortals attracted by your charisma.

Your ideal mate won't mind at all if you say 'goodbye darling, I'm off exploring the Himalayas for a year, stay at home and look after the family'. In reality you might have to be a more subtle than that! Being true to yourself includes care for someone you truly love. See
zodiac sign compatibility for indications of compatibility with those with particular signs emphasised in their birth charts.

Tag : astrology-chart.co.uk